I have found a way to cure the itchy spots on my skin and at the same time speed up by recovery from bronchitis. The extra bonus is this is a way to turn back the clock on my face and skin.
Turn back the clock of aging my aging face 私の顔の時計を逆向きにして |
This method is simple, and you can do it by yourself. You may want to understand why this works because repeating this self care method often will help you to get results. Interestingly, I became interested in this method because my skin problems improved a little in two days. Unfortunately, recovery from bronchitis is slower.
If you dislike studying the body, then you might prefer to skip this part. Using the following video, I would like to explain why my problems and the problems of anyone who is suffering from low immunity would be helped by this self care method. The speaker in the video uses no jargon and speaks slowly, but for many people, a written explanation helps. So I will summarize the main points of the video.
The heart moves the blood through the arteries just as a pump moves water through your faucet. The lymph fluid oozes much slowly through its leaky pipes. The walls of the lymph vessels are made to suck in waste material, so naturally the suction is less efficient than our vacuum cleaners. Also, there is no pump for the plumbing of the lymph. If you get sick or stressed, your body produces more waste material and bacteria which clogs of the drains of the lymph system, so it flow even more slowly. The purpose of the lymph system is to suck in garbage from the rest of the body so that it can be destroyed by the immune system. The most simple example is the white blood cell that literally engulf and then digests pathogenic cells or toxic waste material. Unfortunately, when you are sick or stressed, waste increases. For example, more cells die and what made you sick must also be destroyed.
If a faucets in your house is clogged, other faucets will be unaffected so you can live quite comfortably. But if a central drains is clogged, that should be fixed quickly or other drain will be effected. The same is true for your lymph system. Keeping your lymph drains clear is essential to good health.
By processing the lymph like a vaccum cleaner, the kidneys and liver suck the lymph from the legs and abdomen. (Actually, muscles movement is another effective way to make the lymph move faster, but when we are sick or stress we tend to avoid exercise.) The principle what moves the lymph is similar to the principle that moves the water in trees from their roots to their leaves. Leave evaporate water which creates something like a vacuum which draws water from the roots to the leaves. Similarly, the kidney and liver draw in blood and lymph which helps to bring lymph from the lower body to the upper body.
リンパの流れ |
(The above illustration has a close connection to lymph massage. This is because, you can lightly move your hands along the skin and cause the lymph near the surface of the skin to move in its natural direction. This small amount of movement will affect the movement of the lymph deeper in the body and also lower down on the body.) If the liver and kidney are not able to pull up the lymph fast enough, chronic symptoms begin to occur. In a town, or in your house, if filth is allow to accumulate, rats, and cockroaches will breed. In the same way, pathogens will breed in the body. If the dirty waste increases, symptoms of illness begin to occur.
リンパの停滞は病源 講義 (2)
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